Monday, September 3, 2007

Fuji-san from office

Fuji-san presents a very pretty view from our office window in winter. We can see the snow covered peak of Fuji-san; the rest being hidden by the smaller mountains in the front. On a clear sunny day Fuji-san would look like the "Airavatha" amongst a herd of gray elephants. The majestic view of Fuji-san would transfix the mind and keep us gazing for long periods.

This view of Fuji-san on a clear day exemplifies the fact that only a "clear" mind will be capable of higher things. Equating Fuji-san with that which is subtle would cause the mind to be engulfed in a deluge of happiness. Truly, viewing Fuji-san is a divine experience. It is little wonder that Fuji-san is held divine and sacred even by the Japanese.

Fuji-san is a source of unalloyed happiness and to the tuned mind it can be a source of guidance. As they say, the guidance is always there, only that we need to be tuned to it. Guidance is like a FM broadcast - its there always and everywhere and our mind which is like a receiver needs to be tuned.

Fuji-san(Mount Fuji) is the tallest(3776 meters) and the most beautiful mountain(dormant volcano) in Japan.

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