Friday, September 21, 2007

The calm sea at Hase.

[I had the opportunity to behold the calm and placid waters of the Pacific ocean on our to visit to Hase in Kamakura-shi. Hase is famous for the Dai-Butsu (Great Buddha) and the Hase Kannon temples. The following are a few thoughts on the sea which crossed my mind as I stood gazing at its vastness.]

I felt that this sea which I was seeing was somehow the same as the one which we see in India and yes, it is indeed the same. All the major water bodies are connected. Can I draw a line to demarcate the Indian Ocean from the Bay of Bengal or form the Arabian Sea?

This is Advaita where even though multitude names and forms are seen, in reality everything is one. "Ghataakasha" is a classical example given to illustrate Advaita. The space inside a pot takes the shape of the pot (apparently) as long as the pot is existent. The same space pervades both inside and outside the pot and when the pot is broken, the space inside becomes the same the one outside. Extending the analogy, the same water pervades all the oceans and seas, regardless of the names and forms assigned.

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